Lollipop Chart


As a variant of the bar bar/column chart, the lollipop chart consists of lines and dots at the end of lines to highlight the values. Like a bar chart, a lollipop chart is used to compare categorical data.

When to Use

Lollipop chart is used when there is a large number of categorical data to show and compare. It can be used as an alternative to bar/column chart. It should be used only when the fine difference between values is not important as the exact value is at the middle of dot which is difficult to identify


  • Always start at zero baseline
  • Use horizontal labels to improve readability
  • Use consistent colors throughout the chart, use accent colors to highlight meaningful data points
  • Use horizontal lollipop chart when the category name is long


  • Don't use shadow effects
  • Don’t use 3D effects

Tools available

D3.js Python R Power BI Illustrator

Other chart types of comparison