Population Pyramid


Population pyramid consists of two histograms, one for each gender (conventionally, males on the left and females on the right) where the population numbers are shown horizontally (X-axis) and the age vertically (Y-axis). The values can be displayed either as a percentage of the total population or as a raw number.

When to Use

Population pyramids is the most effective visualization to analyze changes or differences in population groups. From the population pyramid, information about the population broken down by age and sex can be identified, which can also lead to other aspects of the population.


  • Display males one the left and females on the right
  • Use consistent color to represent same gender
  • Sort value in descending order by age group


  • Don’t use shadow effects
  • Don’t use 3D effects

Tools available

D3.js Python R Power BI Illustrator

Other chart types of comparison